Thursday 3 December 2015

Preliminary Task Evaluation

  We were asked to create a short clip of 2 people and they have to come into a room and to have dialogue between the 2 characters, we had to use certain camera angles such as match on actions, 180 degree full and shot/reverse shot.

In my group we made a story board which explained every shot we did, we were set to do this in under 12 shots, so 12 shots meant 12 story boards. we also had to find the locations where we were planning to films and and take pictures of them and apply them to our blogs. We had to post pictures of our Characters and what their names were and a little bit about their characteristic. 

Me and my group had to plan a time on when we were all free to film as we were doing the filming in our free lessons. We got a computer up when we were filming so we could check our story bored and see what shots we were doing, this was so we could never forget the shots and get it correct first time. The filming what quite good but the room we planned to used we being used so we couldn’t use it so we had to change rooms. The filming didn’t take long, it took us around 50minutes.

Everybody in our group had to edit their own clip but use the same clips. This was so no one would take credit for someone else’s editing. We had to import the clips from our photos to Premier pro and go through and select the clips we wanted to use.

Our Preliminary task went alright, a few issues occurred such as we had to change rooms to films in as there was a lessons going on in the room we wanted to film in and the sound quality from the filming wasn’t the greatest, we needed to speak louder and clearer. what went well was that we used all the camera angles such as match on action, shot/reverse shot and 180 degree rule. The weaknesses from this was that the match on action wasn’t as good as we thought, we thought it was timed correct but looking back at the filming we were out of time a little so the character was opening the door and the next shot the door was shut and he wasn’t where he was meant to be. To improve we need to focus on the timings for the match on action and speak louder and more clearer so the quality is better.

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