Thursday 3 December 2015

Analyse The Codes And Conventions In Horror Films 'Dead Wood', 'Dead Mary' And 'Wrong Turn'

Red = Editing
Green = sound
yellow = Mise en scene
Codes are signs which have meanings behind them and they can be in two different categories. These are technical and symbolic codes. The technical codes is the way in which equipment is used to tell a story. This can also be done by the way it is edited and the diegetic or non diegetic sound. The Symbolic codes are seen through mise-en-scene, it is what can be seen if we really look into whats behind it. These codes are usually seen through the mise en scene, for example, a characters decisions or actions will show you what the character is like and how they are feeling, their clothing and how much they wear can be decoded to help us better understand what type of person they are and certain props have suggestions or connotations which can have a common meaning interpreted by the audience.

A Convention is something that you will tend to see in all horror movies and certain ways of doing something; some examples of this is: falling over when running away, a phone having no signal and no battery, in a car and it either has no fuel or its broke down, you get close to a safe enclosure then something happens which will stop you. This is how Codes and Conventions are used in Media Studies: They are used together in any genre. It is not enough to discuss a technical code used such as camera work and saying how it is conventionally used in a genre. 

Wrong Turn
Two people are in the middle of no where a boy and a girl. In the remote forest the female and the male are rock climbing on a cliff. The male reaches the top and prepares to help the female, the male went out of eye sight from the female and then she witnesses his sudden murder. Someone begins to pull the female up the cliff so she processed to cut the rope and falls to the ground. Then she then attempts to escape to her car but trips over a piece of barbed wire before being pulled back into the woods, screaming, by one of the three cannibalistic mutant mountain men. When the female is rock climbing with the male she has a lot of flesh on display. The diegetic sound  in this movie was simply things just like the sound of the  moving wire or a hook starting to break , although the non-diegetic sound really gave the film a sense a of danger as the tempo of the music starting to pick up rapidly and increased in volume to build tension. Moving onto the symbolic codes; the mise en scene used shows the female being slightly underdressed which will make the audience relate a bit more, blood on the body to show it was a vicious attack and a vehicle being used as a prop to show the safety. The main conventions found in this is a secluded location and a person running through trees and ends up falling over.
Dead Mary
A female is sitting in her car by herself  waiting for the boy to return with fuel for the car. The sign is swinging making a noise which indicates that danger is near is danger is about to happen. The atmosphere then becomes heavy as she is there on her own in the car and then the female keeps looking around as she is in the middle of no where, She then looks out of the car to see if anyone is approaching, She then starts to sit back and relax and wait, she soon checks her phone to find out that she has no signal on her phone so she holds it up to try and get signal but she cant so if she's in danger she wont be able to get hold of anyone. The female now looks in the glove box to see if anything is in there and just so have it there is a flare gun so they can shoot that if they need to. The male soon arrives with petrol so they can start the car and drive off to their destination.  When the female is sitting their in the car for the man to return she has a lot of flesh on display.

Dead Wood

Dead Wood starts with a male running through a bunch of bushes and trees that ends up being faced with a jump where he has to decide does he just or does he not as a creature is chasing him, then cuts to his friend shouting his name as he’s gone missing from the girl. The male then decides to just and makes it most of they way then he starts to fall down as he try to pull himself up, the male then spits out blood and then falls down a cliff and dies. The Women comes out of the tent and looks around to see if she can find the male but there is no hope as he is nowhere to be seen. The female comes out of the tent she has a lot of skin on display, The diegetic sounds used in this movie were the branches snapping, leaves rustling and possibly the bird’s twerping which gave the audience the sense of nature which could be interpreted as safety but intact they are in the middle of no where, no one will be able to see them or even hear them so they will be in danger if anything happens.

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