Friday 18 March 2016

Planning: Filming Schedule

A filming schedule is a plan of what dates/times and locations your cast and crew will be doing the filming part of the production in addition to how many scenes or shots you're aiming to shoot in the time frame you have set. It is also important to make note of what cast member are needed for different scenes and what crew is required for each day which ensures that everybody knows when they are needed. This will make the filming process a lot easier for us as we will have set an organised plan.

Day 1- 23 February 2016
between 3:30pm to 4:45pm

Shots/Scenes to be shot:  
Everything to be filmed.

Cast needed:
Craig (bully) 

Crew needed:

Planning: Producing A Shot List


The reason for shot listing is because you need to have an idea of what is going to happen within your opening and the order in which the shots happens. Shot listing allows you as a group to make choices about what is going to be done and when it is going to be filmed, so it can be effective for our target audience which is teenagers. 


Tuesday 15 March 2016

Planning: Casting For Our Opening

Billy, aged 17, who has been bullied through out the most of his school life, hasn’t got a job and has a small house. We have decided to appoint Craig Burton as Billy for our film because we think he is a suitable person as he is committed and he is reliable. He is confidant in front of a camera for the film because he is almost the same age as Billy and is enthusiastic when acting. Craig also done GCSE Drama and got a B which shows he is confident in front of the camera and can follow his lines. Casting is very important because we needed to get the right actor of our choice to play in our 2 minute opening because we need to make sure that they can be reliable and be at the filming at the right time. Casting is also important because we need to make sure that the actor can act and look comfortable in front of the camera.


Planning: Producing A Story Board

This is the story board we have made to help us with the filming process. We have different story boards which lets us know who needs to be in the scene, where we are going to be filming it, who is going to be in the scene and the dialogue that is going to be in the scene this is because it would give us a clear idea of what shot would take place next, in addition to this we could visually see what would need to happen in the shot with a brief drawing so we could see clearly what was going to happen next, giving the directors and the actor a better understanding of what should take place. Overall this was really important because it would make our group able to function more and with ease because we all knew what was going to happen next.






